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CME Evaluation Form:

Please complete this form for EACH CME Training Topic you review on-line.
Please print out a copy to submit with your Quiz Results Summary page print out.

SA = Strongly Agree   A = Agree   U = Undecided   D = Disagree   SD = Strongly Disagree

On-Line Training Topic: ______________________________________________________________.

I am a (Circle one): EMT-Basic EMT-Intermediate EMT-Paramedic RN MD/DO Other N/A

I am a Student (Cirlce one): EMT-Basic EMT-Intermediate EMT-Paramedic RN MD/DO Other N/A

1) This on-line topic met the educational objectives: SA . . . A . . . U . . . D . . . SD

2) This on-line topic was beneficial to me: SA . . . A . . . U . . . D . . . SD

3) This on-line topic was too advanced for me: SA . . . A . . . U . . . D . . . SD

4) I found this teaching method to be effective: SA . . . A . . . U . . . D . . . SD

5) I found this teaching method preferable to classroom presentations: SA . . . A . . . U . . . D . . . SD

6) I will take other on-line CME offered by DocJC in the future: SA . . . A . . . U . . . D . . . SD

EMS On-Line CME DocJC's Home Page
Version 1.0a    Jan 05
Send Email, comments & suggestions to: Doc JC